WinSecWiki > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights > User Rights In-Depth > Log on as a batch job

Log on as a batch job

AKA: SeBatchLogonRight, Log on as a batch job

Default assignment: none

This right is required by the account that any batch job runs under. The only native component in Windows that users batch jobs are Scheduled Tasks. Deny log on as a batch job overrides this right if a user has both. Task Scheduler automatically grants this right when a user schedules a task; to override this behavior use Deny log on as a batch job.

Use of this right does not generate a Privilege Use event in the Windows security log but batch logons do generate event ID 528/4624 with logon type 4. 

Changes to these logon rights assignments are logged by event IDs 621/4717 and 622/4718.

More information at Logon Rights.

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