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New Software that Unlocks the SharePoint Audit Log

Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:08:14 GMT

I am very excited today to announce the beta release of LOGbinder SP - my first software solution aimed at expanding the reach of log management.

LOGbinder SP allows you to audit security events in SharePoint with the Windows Security Log.

Why do I need LOGbinder SP? Doesn't SharePoint already have an audit log?

LOGBinder SP is a small, efficient .NET service that monitors the internal SharePoint audit log.  For each event LOGbinder SP resolves the user and object IDs and other cryptic codes, producing an easy to understand, plain-English translation of the SharePoint security event.  (Click here for a list of events.)  Then LOGbinder SP forwards the event to one or more output formats:

  • local Windows security event log
  • custom Windows event log
  • syslog server*
  • text file*
  • XML file*
  • SQL server reporting database*

This variety of output formats allows you to extend any log management solution to now support SharePoint audit trails and security events.

Alternatively, or in addition to integrating with your log management solution, you configure LOGbinder SP to send events to a SQL Server reporting databse and use our pre-built reports (implemented in SQL Reporting Services) to review and analyze the security activity of your SharePoint sites. 

LOGbinder SP is currently in beta and available as a free download. Please help us build LOGbinder SP into a great solution!

Please visit to learn more about the SharePoint audit log and it's woeful limitations and how we fix them with LOGbinder SP. 

Please download and put LOGBinderSP to work for you, securing SharePoint data.

* not yet implemented in the current beta

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