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Finally, a new and different way to mitigate the risk of compromised user endpoints

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 14:51:06 GMT

Here’s another find from the South Hall at RSA 2015 I came across (I’d snuck away from the UWS booth while Barry wasn’t looking.)  The 2,000+ of you who’ve attended my recent endpoint security webinars know how much I worry about endpoint security – especially user endpoints (laptops and workstations).  On my daily hike I actually puzzle over new ways to address this risk and I wish I’d come up with the idea Bromium has already implemented.  The messaging on booths here make it hard to figure out what companies do but “isolation” and “endpoint risks” caught my eye as I walked past Bromium’s booth 2007.  From talking to Bill Gardner I learned that Bromium was started by virtualization experts formerly at XenSource.  Bromium inserts a hypervisor between the metal and OS of your endpoint.  Then each application is isolated in its own micro-virtual machine.  This is something I want to learn more about.  Depending on how isolated applications really are and how clean the user experience is – this could be really awesome.

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