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NEW Free & Easy to Use Tool, Event Log Forwarder for Windows

Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:13:47 GMT

Right or wrong, Syslog remains the de facto standard protocol for log forwarding. Every SIEM and log management solution in the world accepts syslog. So frequently you run into the situation of needing to forward Windows events via syslog. But Windows doesn’t support syslog and the “free” forwarders I’ve looked at in the past were just not pretty. Some even written in Java. Ugh. Besides being klunky and hard to configure they weren’t flexible in terms of which event logs they could forward much less which events within those logs.

But SolarWinds has just released a new and completely free Event Log Forwarder for Windows (ELF). ELF takes seconds to download, seconds to install and a minute to configure. Just select the logs you want to forward (below example shows successful and failed logons and process start events from the security log):

and specify the address of your syslog server:

ELF runs as a background service and immediately starts sending events out via syslog as you can see here on my syslog server.

I love how easy it is to filter exactly which events are sent. This allows you to filter out noise events at their source – conserving bandwidth and log management resources all the way down the line.

But what if you have many systems that need to be configured to forward events? I took a look at the folder where ELF was installed and found a LogForwarderSettings.cfg file that is very easy to read. Moreover there’s even a LogForwarder.PDF file in the Docs folder that fully documents this settings file. I don’t see anything installation dependent in this file so it looks to me like you could use the ELF GUI Client to configure one installation and then copy LogForwarderSettings.cfg to all the other systems where you want the same behavior.

You can download SolarWinds Event Log Forwarder here

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