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New doc from MS for storing BitLocker recovery information in Active Directory

Mon, 15 Jan 2007 15:30:04 GMT

Just found this document at MS. I’ll post more when I’ve had a chance to review it.

If you’ve been reading about BitLocker drive encryption in Vista you may already know that one option for storing recovery keys is in Active Directory.

You have to update the AD schema before Vista can store recovery keys in AD. But Microsoft hasn’t published the LDIF files necessary for updating the schema yet! Part of BitLocker Active Directory Deployment Kit which is vaporware at this point.

This document, Configuring Active Directory to Back up Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption and Trusted Platform Module Recovery Information, apparently addresses this issue. Stay tuned for more information...

Here’s the link

Configuring Active Directory to Back up Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption and Trusted Platform Module Recovery Information

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