Security, et al

Randy's Blog on Infosec and Other Stuff

«  SolarWinds Log & Even... | New Security Log and Audi... » 2.0: New Coverage for SQL Server and SharePoint audit logging

Wed, 13 Jun 2012 16:38:43 GMT

I know from the emails I receive and site stats that hundreds of thousands of people over the years have made use of the information at  I’m excited to announce that we have made some major updates.

1.    I’ve added all of the event ID’s for both SharePoint audit logging and SQL Server 2008’s totally new audit log in to my Security Log Encyclopedia. 

2.    I’ve added two new sections to the site itself: SharePoint and SQL Server audit logging.

SharePoint Audit Logging

With SharePoint being used these days to store more and more sensitive data, it’s imperative that you control and know who is accessing what.  In this new area, I explain:

·        How to enable and control SharePoint Audit Logging for end-users and admins

·        How the SharePoint audit log is stored

·        Explain the SharePoint audit policy

·        How to get reporting and alerting from the SharePoint audit log

·        How to get your SharePoint audit log in to a SIEM solution

·        Introduce you to LOGbinder SP and how it fills the gaps in SharePoint audit logging

SQL Server Audit Logging

SQL Server 2008 introduced a totally new audit logging facility which is critical to enterprises storing sensitive information and/or processing important transactions in today’s demanding compliance environment.

In my new SQL Server section at I explore:

·        The SQL Server audit policy

·        Sift through the granules of SQL Server auditing and break down Server and Database audit specifications

·        Deep dive in to each audit action group, what it does, and each event ID it contains

·         Provide you with access to my free “Audit Policy Wizard”

Click any of the links above or visit for more information.

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