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Security Log Secrets On-Demand Interactive… Is Now Here!

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 11:16:53 GMT

It’s been a huge project to record, edit, embellish and enhance but we are finally done.  My 3-day Security Log Secrets course on the Windows Security Log is now available in my unique On-Demand, Interactive format.  We call it “on-demand” because you can take the course anytime.  We call it “interactive” to emphasize this is no passive, couch-potato DVD viewing experience.  My On-Demand Interactive courses provide highly interactive training designed to closely duplicate the live, instructor-led learning experience.

Security Log Secrets On-Demand Interactive (SLS-OI) is like in-person training you can take anytime, anywhere:

·         Get the same CPE credit

·         Get the same courseware

·         Watch me teach the same material

·         Perform the same hands-on exercises

·         If you get stuck, watch me perform the exercise

·         Stay engaged with frequent flash quizzes

·         Got a question? Ask me via the Q&A forum

Security Log Secrets is fun and fascinating and you can get the full details of the Security Log Secrets course here, and my On Demand Interactive training platform here, but what I want to focus the rest of this email on is how I’m going to help as many of you as possible get this training. Which of the following fits your circumstance?

1.       For my most loyal webinar attendees, those of you that have attended 50 or more live webinars, you get SLS-OI free, and that’s true going forward from this point.  You can get a transcript of your attendance any time.  Congrats to: Christopher, “J”, Paul, Peter, Hugo, Steve , Jeff and others!  Here’s what to do:  Email a copy of your transcript to Bridget at and enroll using “Purchase Order” as the method.  We will take care of the rest.  The same goes for the rest of you when you reach 50 live attended webinars. 

2.       For anyone who has purchased my Security Log Resource Kit in the past, we’re giving you 50% off!  Email your coupon code request to Bridget at and be sure to include the email address used when you purchased the kit so that we can verify.  We’ll respond with a coupon code. 

3.       Are you out of work in this tough economy?  I realize you need to keep your skills current but don’t have an employer to assist with the expense.  Send Bridget at some kind of documentation (redacted of course) that verifies your status.  If you do that and if you were already on this email list prior to today we will find a way to make it work. 

4.       Can’t get your boss to pay for the course but have 2 or more colleagues who’d like the course too?  Send us an email with how many are in your group and we’ll arrange a group discount.  10% off for everyone for each person in your group up to 50%.  Again, email and Bridget will take care of you.

5.       Feeling left out?  Feel the love instead.  Take 25% off SLS-OI, if purchased in February 2013 with coupon code LOVE.

You get the idea I’m passionate about the security log? I really want as many people as possible to have professional-grade competence in this area. It’s good for business, it’s good for the industry, and it’s good for us geeks.

Any don’t let my discounts suggest SLS-OI is expensive.  It’s actually about half the cost of other premium, on demand infosec training (which by the way doesn’t include a hands-on lab like mine).  But we have to keep the lights on at the datacenter so thanks, thanks and thanks again for your support!

These discounts are only good through the end of February so don’t delay.

See you out there keeping the bad guys at bay,


P.S. Interested in SLS-OI as a long term training resource for everyone in your department?  Email with department size and Phil can provide a quote.

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