4647: User initiated logoff
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Also see 4634. This event signals the end of a logon session and can be correlated back to the logon event 4624 using the Logon ID. This event seems to be in place of 4634 in the case of Interactive and RemoteInteractive (remote desktop) logons. This is a plus since it makes it easier to distinguish between logoffs resulting from an idle network session and logoffs where the user actually logs off with from his console.
User initiated logoff: Subject: Security ID: WIN-R9H529RIO4Y\Administrator Account Name: Administrator Account Domain: WIN-R9H529RIO4Y Logon ID: 0x19f4c This event is generated when a logoff is initiated but the token reference count is not zero and the logon session cannot be destroyed. No further user-initiated activity can occur. This event can be interpreted as a logoff event.
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