Windows Security Log Event ID 676

Operating Systems Windows Server 2000
Windows 2003 and XP
CategoryAccount Logon
Type Failure
Corresponding events
in Windows 2008
and Vista

676: Authentication Ticket Request Failed

On this page

This event varies depending on the OS.


W2k logs this event when the user's initial logon fails for other reasons than those reported by 675. See events 675 and 672 for explanation of the fields.


W3 does not log this event. Instead W3 logs a failed instance of event 672.

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Description Fields in 676

  •  User Name: %1
  •  Supplied Realm Name: %2
  •  Service Name: %3
  •  Ticket Options: %4
  •  Failure Code: %5
  •  Client Address: %6

Supercharger Enterprise


Examples of 676

Description: Authentication Ticket Request Failed
User Name: %1

Supplied Realm Name: %2
Service Name: %3
Ticket Options: %4
Failure Code: %5
Client Address: %6

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