Windows Security Log Event ID 4768

Operating Systems Windows 2008 R2 and 7
Windows 2012 R2 and 8.1
Windows 2016 and 10
Windows Server 2019 and 2022
 • Subcategory
Account Logon
 • Kerberos Authentication Service
Type Success
Corresponding events
in Windows 2003
and before
672 , 676  

4768: A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested

On this page

This event is logged on domain controllers only and both success and failure instances of this event are logged.

At the beginning of the day when a user sits down at his or her workstation and enters his domain username and password, the workstation contacts a local DC and requests a TGT. If the username and password are correct and the user account passes status and restriction checks, the DC grants the TGT and logs event ID 4768 (authentication ticket granted).  

If the ticket request fails Windows will either log this event, 4768 or 4771 with failure as the type.

The User field for this event (and all other events in the Audit account logon event category) doesn't help you determine who the user was; the field always reads N/A. Rather look at the Account Information: fields, which identify the user who logged on and the user account's DNS suffix. The User ID field provides the SID of the account. 

Windows logs other instances of event ID 4768 when a computer in the domain needs to authenticate to the DC typically when a workstation boots up or a server restarts. In these instances, you'll find a computer name in the User Name and fields. Computer generated kerberos events are always identifiable by the $ after the computer account's name.

Microsoft's Comments:

This event records that a Kerberos TGT was granted, actual access will not occur until a service ticket is granted, which is audited by Event 673. If the PATYPE is PKINIT, the logon was a smart card logon.

Result codes:

Result code Kerberos RFC description Notes on common failure codes
0x1 Client's entry in database has expired  
0x2 Server's entry in database has expired  
0x3 Requested protocol version # not supported  
0x4 Client's key encrypted in old master key  
0x5 Server's key encrypted in old master key  
0x6 Client not found in Kerberos database Bad user name, or new computer/user account has not replicated to DC yet
0x7 Server not found in Kerberos database  New computer account has not replicated yet or computer is pre-w2k
0x8 Multiple principal entries in database  
0x9 The client or server has a null key  administrator should reset the password on the account
0xA Ticket not eligible for postdating  
0xB Requested start time is later than end time  
0xC KDC policy rejects request Workstation restriction, or Authentication Policy Silo (look for event ID 4820)
0xD KDC cannot accommodate requested option  
0xE KDC has no support for encryption type  
0xF KDC has no support for checksum type  
0x10 KDC has no support for padata type  
0x11 KDC has no support for transited type  
0x12 Clients credentials have been revoked Account disabled, expired, locked out, logon hours.
0x13 Credentials for server have been revoked  
0x14 TGT has been revoked  
0x15 Client not yet valid - try again later  
0x16 Server not yet valid - try again later  
0x17 Password has expired The user’s password has expired.
0x18 Pre-authentication information was invalid Usually means bad password
0x19 Additional pre-authentication required*  
0x1F Integrity check on decrypted field failed  
0x20 Ticket expired Frequently logged by computer accounts
0x21 Ticket not yet valid  
0x21 Ticket not yet valid  
0x22 Request is a replay  
0x23 The ticket isn't for us  
0x24 Ticket and authenticator don't match  
0x25 Clock skew too great Workstation’s clock too far out of sync with the DC’s
0x26 Incorrect net address  IP address change?
0x27 Protocol version mismatch  
0x28 Invalid msg type  
0x29 Message stream modified  
0x2A Message out of order  
0x2C Specified version of key is not available  
0x2D Service key not available  
0x2E Mutual authentication failed  may be a memory allocation failure
0x2F Incorrect message direction  
0x30 Alternative authentication method required*  
0x31 Incorrect sequence number in message  
0x32 Inappropriate type of checksum in message  
0x3C Generic error (description in e-text)  
0x3D Field is too long for this implementation  

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Description Fields in 4768

Account Information: 

  • Account Name:  logon name of the account that just authenticated
  • Supplied Realm Name: domain name of the account
  • User ID:   SID of the account

Service Information:

  • Service Name:  always "krbtgt"
  • Service ID:

Network Information:

  • Client Address:  IP address where user is present
  • Client Port:  source port 

Additional Information:

  • Ticket Options:  unknown.  Please start a discussion if you have information to share on this field.
  • Result Code:  error if any - see above table
  • Ticket Encryption Type: unknown.  Please start a discussion if you have information to share on this field.
  • Pre-Authentication Type: unknown.  Please start a discussion if you have information to share on this field. 

Certificate Information:

This information is only filled in if logging on with a smart card. 

  • Certificate Issuer Name:
  • Certificate Serial Number:
  • Certificate Thumbprint:

Supercharger Enterprise


Examples of 4768


A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested.

Account Information:

   Account Name: Administrator
   Supplied Realm Name: acme-fr
   User ID: ACME-FR\administrator

Service Information:

   Service Name: krbtgt
   Service ID: ACME-FR\krbtgt

Network Information:

   Client Address: ::1
   Client Port: 0

Additional Information:

   Ticket Options: 0x40810010
   Result Code: 0x0
   Ticket Encryption Type: 0x12
   Pre-Authentication Type: 2

Certificate Information:  

   Certificate Issuer Name:
   Certificate Serial Number:
   Certificate Thumbprint:

Certificate information is only provided if a certificate was used for pre-authentication.

Pre-authentication types, ticket options, encryption types and result codes are defined in RFC 4120.


A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested.

Account Information: 
   Account Name: nebuchadnezzar
   Supplied Realm Name: acme-fr
   User ID: NULL SID

Service Information:  

   Service Name: krbtgt/acme-fr
   Service ID: NULL SID

Network Information:

   Client Address: ::1
   Client Port: 0

Additional Information:

   Ticket Options: 0x40810010
   Result Code: 0x12
   Ticket Encryption Type: 0xffffffff
   Pre-Authentication Type: -

Certificate Information: 

   Certificate Issuer Name:
   Certificate Serial Number:
   Certificate Thumbprint:

Certificate information is only provided if a certificate was used for pre-authentication.

Pre-authentication types, ticket options, encryption types and result codes are defined in RFC 4120. EditMore Resources

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