Exchange Admin Audit Log Event ID 25310
25310: Remove-OfflineAddressBook Exchange cmdlet issued
This is an event from
audit event from
LOGbinder EX
generated by
On this page
See also the TechNet article on the cmdlet Remove-OfflineAddressBook
Free Security Log Resources by Randy
Field | Description |
Occurred | Date and time when Exchange registered the cmdlet. |
Cmdlet | The cmdlet that was issued. |
Performed by | The user who issued the cmdlet. |
Succeeded | "Yes", if succeeded, "No", otherwise. |
Error | "None", if the cmdlet resulted in no error, the error message otherwise. |
Originating server | The host name of the server. |
Object modified | The object that was modified by the cmdlet. |
Parameters | The list of parameters, listing them by the parameter's Name and Value. |
Modified properties | Modified properties, if any (otherwise "n/a"). |
Additional information | Additional information, if any (otherwise "n/a"). |
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Remove-OfflineAddressBook Exchange cmdlet issued
Occurred: 12/23/2012 3:23:54 PM
Cmdlet: Remove-OfflineAddressBook
Performed by: Taylor
Succeeded: Yes
Error: None
Originating server: SP2010-EX1 (14.02.0328.009)
Object modified: \Renamed_Test_OAB
Name: Identity, Value: [\Renamed_Test_OAB]
Name: Confirm, Value: [False]
Modified Properties
Additional information: CmdletParameters/Parameter/Name= [Identity]; CmdletParameters/Parameter/Value= [\Renamed_Test_OAB]; CmdletParameters/Parameter/Name= [Confirm]; CmdletParameters/Parameter/Value= [False]
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