WinSecWiki > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options > Shutdown > Clear virtual memory pagefile
Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile
This setting forces Windows to zero out the pagefile at system shutdown and zeroes out the hibernation file if hibernation is disabled. Why would you want to do this?
Unless you use Encrypting File System you probably wouldn’t. However, if you do use EFS consider this. It’s very possible that while accessing a file protected by EFS, part of the file gets paged out to disk. Let’s say that part of the pagefile never gets overwritten and the system is shutdown without this setting enabled. Then a bad guy steals the computer but fails to break EFS; the bad guy can still attempt to salvage confidential data fragments from the pagefile since the EFS cannot encrypt the page file. (BTW, this is one of the many reasons I like BitLocker better than EFS.)
Bottom line
If you are using Encrypting File System, you should enable this setting.
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