Available in New to:
2012 2016

This group tracks attempts to grant, deny or revoke permissions on schema objects such as a table, view or stored procedure.

This is an important audit action group because permission changes are critical to the security of the server and the information on it.

If you enable this group in a database audit specification, it will track permission changes to schema objects within that database only. If you enable this group in a server audit specification, it will track permission changes to schema objects in all databases within that SQL Server instance.

LOGbinder for SQL Server events generated under this Audit Action Group:

Event ID Description
24249 Issued grant schema object permissions command
24250 Issued grant schema object permissions with grant command
24251 Issued deny schema object permissions command
24252 Issued deny schema object permissions with cascade command
24253 Issued revoke schema object permissions command
24254 Issued revoke schema object permissions with grant command
24255 Issued revoke schema object permissions with cascade command
24256 Issued grant schema type permissions command
24257 Issued grant schema type permissions with grant command
24258 Issued deny schema type permissions command
24259 Issued deny schema type permissions with cascade command
24260 Issued revoke schema type permissions command
24261 Issued revoke schema type permissions with grant command
24262 Issued revoke schema type permissions with cascade command
24263 Issued grant XML schema collection permissions command
24264 Issued grant XML schema collection permissions with grant command
24265 Issued deny XML schema collection permissions command
24266 Issued deny XML schema collection permissions with cascade command
24267 Issued revoke XML schema collection permissions command
24268 Issued revoke XML schema collection permissions with grant command
24269 Issued revoke XML schema collection permissions with cascade command


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