Exchange Admin Audit Log Event ID 25545

SourceExchange (LOGbinder EX)
LogAdmin Audit
Windows Security Log
 • Subcategory
Object Access
 • Application Generated
Type Success

25545: Import-DlpPolicyCollection Exchange cmdlet issued

This is an event from Exchange audit event from LOGbinder EX generated by Log  Admin Audit.

On this page

See also the TechNet article on the cmdlet Import-DlpPolicyCollection

Free Security Log Resources by Randy

Description Fields in 25545

OccurredDate and time when Exchange registered the cmdlet.
CmdletThe cmdlet that was issued.
Performed byThe user who issued the cmdlet.
Succeeded"Yes", if succeeded, "No", otherwise.
Error"None", if the cmdlet resulted in no error, the error message otherwise.
Originating serverThe host name of the server.
Object modifiedThe object that was modified by the cmdlet.
ParametersThe list of parameters, listing them by the parameter's Name and Value.
Modified propertiesModified properties, if any (otherwise "n/a").
Additional informationAdditional information, if any (otherwise "n/a").

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