How to Extend Secure SharePoint Access to Consultants, Customers, Vendors and Business Partners

Webinar Registration

No organization is an island. Due to trends like outsourcing, integrated supply chains and partner relationships, the people you need to share sensitive information with increasingly include people outside your immediate organization.
Email attachments and file sharing sites like Dropbox have a lot of limitations and risks. Since so much of the information you need to share with outsiders originates in SharePoint in the first place, why not just extend SharePoint access directly to those people outside your organization that need it?
In this webinar we will look at the options for extending SharePoint access to the outside world. I will cover issues and methods like:
  1. Alternate Access Mapping in SharePoint
  2. Certificate and NAT redirection issues
  3. Provisioning external users with AD accounts
  4. Setting up an separate site collection for Extranet usage
  5. SharePoint security issues
  6. The limits to self-service sharing by internal employees
  7. Using workflows to handle external user provisioning requests
  8. Using digital rights management to control what users can do with shared documents. (e.g. Can they print? Can they download a copy?)
  9. Auditing external user access
  10. Reverse proxy access to SharePoint using Win2012’s Web Application Proxy role
We will compare and contrast two different external collaboration scenarios:
  • Long term project/process based collaboration
  • Ad hoc sharing of sensitive/confidential documents
I will also make sure you understand the limitations with these native/DIY methods of supporting external collaboration. Then our sponsor, Intralinks, will show how their solutions bridge these gaps and address the risks.
This will be a practical and technical real training for free™ event. Don’t miss it.
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