Every month companies come to me looking for a way to audit SharePoint activity prompted by the migration of sensitive data and process to their SharePoint environment like HR data, proprietary product information, patient health information, intellectual property and financial data.
In this webinar I will identify the common types of sensitive information and processes that I’ve encountered moving to SharePoint. (And we look forward to hearing from you via interactive chat.) Then I’ll discuss the risks associated with those data and processes – especially those risks that arise without a sound audit trail in place and the ability to alert, report on important events found there-in.
With the way SharePoint is being used today it’s crucial that you be able to monitor access and prove compliance. So in the second half of the webinar I will show you the audit foundation Microsoft has recently added to SharePoint demonstrate how you can use the unique, integrated combination of LOGbinder SP and GFI EventsManager to translate cryptic SharePoint audit records into understandable events that generate alerts and reports as necessary to keep your SharePoint environment controlled and prove compliance.
The days of treating SharePoint as an uncontrolled, self-service team collaboration site are gone. Don’t let SharePoint be your compliance weak point.