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Come meet Randy in Orlando at Microsoft Ignite at Quest's Booth #1818

Tue, 11 Sep 2018 19:50:59 GMT

Come meet Randy in Orlando at Microsoft Ignite at Quest's Booth #1818

Today everything needs to be secure, but you need to start with Active Directory.  Because if Active Directory isn’t secure – nothing else in your organization is regardless of operating system, security products or procedures. 

That’s a strong statement but one that Randy Franklin Smith, creator of, will back up with facts.  In this fast-paced presentation Randy will spotlight the multitudinous ways that virtually any component or information on your network can be compromised if the attacker first gains unauthorized access to AD.

The good news is that Active Directory was designed well and has stood the test of time with limited weaknesses being discovered.  Active Directory security is a matter of design, comprehensive management and monitoring and this is the basis for a list of Fundamentals for Securing Active Directory that Randy will share. After his session come by the Quest booth and say hello to Randy and pick up a copy of his Security Log Quick Reference chart that he will be signing.

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